Briana Chesher

Briana Chesher

Licensing: 283072

With over 15 years experience in customer service and sales, matched with her drive and penchant for people and detail, Briana Chesher continues to successfully help her clients in the sell and procurement of real estate here in eastern North Carolina. Having grown up in the area due to her family's roots in the military, Briana's clients consistently seek and rely on her expertise, work ethic, and dedication to create strategies that will produce success in obtaining their goals in real estate. Whether you're a first time home buyer, an adroit investor or looking to purchase , Briana's tireless efforts to make your deal as seamless and successful as possible is evident in the results she produces.


MRP- Military Relocation Professional
CLHMS- Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist
Owner of "Team Chesher"

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